Financial Accountability

UPMC Children’s Hospital Foundation is committed to complying with sound business practices and providing financial information, such as our annual audited financial statements and 990 tax returns, in an efficient and transparent manner to our donors, grantors, friends, and volunteers.

Form 990

Form 990 is an annual informational filing required by the Internal Revenue Service for certain organizations that are exempt from federal income taxes because they pursue charitable, educational, or religious purposes. The information is filed with the Internal Revenue Service a year after the close of the fiscal year that is the subject of the filing. 

Audited Financial Statements

Audited financial statements is an attestation to the fairness of an organizations internal financial statements and disclosure, by an independent certified Public Accountant. At the end of the audit, the auditor will issue a letter stating their opinion of the organizations financial statements and outlook.

State Charity Disclaimers

A copy of the latest financial report, registration filed by this organization, and a description of our programs and activities may be obtained by contacting us or from the state agency in the state you reside in.