UPMC Children’s “Became a Second Home” to Rilyn

Rilyn’s parents’ lives were turned upside down just weeks after the onset of the pandemic, in April 2020, when they noticed persistent bruising under Rilyn’s eye. When the bruising didn’t heal, they brought her to the emergency department at UPMC Children’s.

Behind the Mask: Meet Landon

Seven-year-old Landon, from Beaver County, Pa., has had a complex medical history, including five open heart surgeries, seven open chest surgeries, and countless days spent at UPMC Children’s.

Lowin’s Story

Lowin came home two days after a 9-hour brain surgery that most surgeons wouldn’t dare to attempt because her tumor location is inoperable. Her parents are forever grateful that Dr. Abel was theirdaughter’s surgeon, and they say they will always sing his praises.

Joey’s Story

Joey was always the life of the party, very inquisitive and an overall silly and active boy, so it wasn’t long before his parents noticed something was very wrong.

Meet Raegan

Despite a full and busy life, Raegan lives with a chronic illness called short bowel syndrome. A complex disease, short bowel syndrome affects a child’s ability to absorb nutrients from food because part of the small intestine is missing or malfunctioning.

A Living Miracle

Sasha became a “living miracle” when she received a liver transplant at UPMC Children’s in 1987. Today, she gives back to the hospital that saved her life.

Frankie’s Story

At 2 weeks, Frankie seemed lethargic and was down nearly two pounds total. Concerned, Frankie’s pediatrician sent the family to the Emergency Department (ED) at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Stories of Hope and Healing: Sean’s Story

I was diagnosed with Burkitt’s Lymphoma when I was a sophomore in high school. I underwent four intense rounds of chemotherapy and missed four months of school. To say it was a rough time, is an understatement. I lost my hair, I was sick, and I was weak. During that time, I was missing out […]