Liam’s Super Heart: Care from Birth at the Heart Institute

a boy dressed as a superhero pretending to fly while his father holds him up

Baby Liam wasn’t breathing when he was born. He spent the first five nights of his life in the NICU at his local birth hospital, struggling to survive.

He was diagnosed with a genetic illness called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition in which the heart muscle becomes thickened and stiff, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. The condition would require careful monitoring.

“I knew the implications that came with [this diagnosis], so it was devastating to see his results,” says Liam’s mom, Kayla. “At the same time, it was a relief to know that now he had a true diagnosis.”

In the Right Hands

After Liam’s discharge from the NICU, Kayla contacted UPMC Children’s Heart Institute right away. “I called UPMC Children’s that day, and he was seen within a week.” At that appointment, physicians confirmed Liam’s diagnosis.

“Right now, we’re just watching it,” Kayla says. “And if it does affect him down the line, they’ll try medication at first and do surgery, if necessary.” If that day comes, Kayla says she knows she is good hands with the physicians at UPMC Children’s.

The Heart Institute

UPMC Children’s Heart Institute is among the best pediatric heart programs in the United States, caring for patients with the tiniest hearts – babies still in their mother’s womb – to those who have lived a lifetime.

Construction is currently underway for an innovative 50,000-square-foot facility to house the Heart Institute. When completed, this new space will enable our world-class physicians and staff in pediatric cardiology to elevate the care they provide to heart patients like Liam from birth to adulthood, as well as their families.

The new Heart Institute is a key priority of our comprehensive campaign, This Moment: Put a Child’s Future First. Get the latest progress updates on the Heart Institute here.

Liam’s Future: Living with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Kayla says Liam may never be able to play sports when he gets older. But today, thanks to the care he received at the Heart Institute, he can live his life without restrictions. He runs, jumps, and plays like any other 3-year-old boy — and he loves superheroes.

“The true superheroes,” Kayla says, “are the people kind enough to donate to make that possible.”

The generosity of our donors provides more than medical equipment and treatments — it offers peace of mind to families like Liam’s.

To the donors, Kayla says, “your generosity makes it possible to save the lives of our children. No one ‘thank you’ could ever be enough.”

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