Taylor’s Road Home

In late September, following several failed attempts to wake Taylor from her now 10-week-long coma, neurosurgeon Taylor Abel, MD, suggested an experimental type of deep brain stimulation. The procedure involved implanting an electrode in Taylor’s brain to modify electrical signals. 

Maelynn’s Big Smile

Maelynn primarily relies on a wheelchair to get around, but according to her mother, Kaitlyn, Maelynn doesn’t let that slow her down.

Jackson’s Journey

While Danielle was still pregnant, she learned that her unborn baby boy was already fighting an uphill battle. Not only did genetic testing reveal that the baby would be born with Down syndrome, but scans also revealed that he had a congenital heart defect.

Meet Julien

Julien’s remarkable story started before he was born. When Mandy was only 20 weeks along in her pregnancy, a routine scan revealed that something wasn’t right with her unborn baby’s heart.

Commemorating a Year of Healing: Sophia’s Story

While many of us were cheerfully ringing in 2021 with friends and family, 5-year-old Sophia and her parents were grappling with devastating news — doctors had discovered a tumor in her pelvis.

Juju’s Journey

Juju is a typical 4-year-old. She loves music and drawing, and has seen Frozen and Frozen 2 “at least 30 times.” Over the past 10 months, Juju has done all of this while battling cancer at UPMC Children’s.

UPMC Children’s “Became a Second Home” to Rilyn

Rilyn’s parents’ lives were turned upside down just weeks after the onset of the pandemic, in April 2020, when they noticed persistent bruising under Rilyn’s eye. When the bruising didn’t heal, they brought her to the emergency department at UPMC Children’s.

Joey’s Story

Joey was always the life of the party, very inquisitive and an overall silly and active boy, so it wasn’t long before his parents noticed something was very wrong.